At Williams Dingmann Family Funeral Homes, we take pride in helping the families we serve in creating a personalized funeral or memorial service for their loved ones. We offer a wide range of merchandise to aid our families in creating a meaningful and dignified service.
We understand that funeral arrangements are always difficult. Knowing that no one ever looks forward to entering a room full of caskets, we have designed our Selection Room in a way that will make these moments as easy as possible.
Caskets are made in a wide variety of styles and materials. They can be made from inexpensive materials, such as pine or a composite of hardboard and cost very little. Or they can be very expensive when made from the finest materials such as bronze or mahogany. A casket is one of the most visible aspects of a funeral service. For this reason we offer caskets in a wide range of personalization opportunities. Casket interiors vary. Most are available with velvet, crepe or satin interiors. Because the needs of every family we serve differ, we offer a wide range of price categories.
Caskets for Cremation include: Hardwood Caskets for those desiring the very best; Cremation Containers for those wanting a simple yet dignified container to protect their loved one.
Most cemeteries require that that casket be placed in an outer burial receptacle capable of withstanding the weight and pressures of the earth above and surrounding the receptacle. A burial vault or grave liner is an outside receptacle usually made of concrete or metal that the casket is placed in at the cemetery.
Our Merchandise Selection Room provides samples of vaults and other outer burial containers for each family to preview and make their selection of choice. The grave liner is the minimum requirement for most cemeteries in our area. Burial vaults also insure the integrity of the grave while providing protection of the casket from outside elements. Burial vaults also provide the peace of mind that many of our families desire. Concrete burial vaults vary in thickness of concrete and type of inner liner. Metal burials vaults are available in bronze, copper, stainless steel, and galvanized and non-galvanized metal.
Memorial Urns are permanent containers for the cremated body. A wide range of styles and prices appropriate for burial, niches, scattering, keepsakes or discreet placement in a home. Your personal plans for the final placement of the urn can play an important part in your selection process. Some urns are ornately designed for display purposes while others are very basic in style. Many of the urns can also be personalized with engravings or laser designs.
If you plan on ground burial for the urn, many cemeteries may require it be placed in an Urn Vault. Lined urn vaults provide varying levels of protection against subsoil elements and weight of the earth.
Our staff can assist with floral tributes from family and friends. A wide variety of selections are available that can be displayed at the service, ceremony or visitation.
We sell bronze memorials, upright monuments, granite markers and accompanying vases.
A variety of Memorial Registry Books, Service Folders and Acknowledgment Cards are available that can reflect the life and interests of the deceased.
Remembrance jewelry is jewelry that contains some of the cremated ashes or hair or something special of a deceased family member or loved one. Remembrance jewelry has many names and comes in a variety of forms, but no matter the words used, remembrance jewelry is among the newest and most popular ways to memorialize loved ones.
Cremation niches are spaces found indoors or outdoors and are meant for the permanent storage of created remains. Niches will accommodate urns containing cremated remains. As with mausoleum buildings they can be made of granite or marble.
A columbarium, often located within a mausoleum or chapel, sometimes free-standing, either indoor or outdoor, is constructed of numerous small compartments (niches) designed to hold urns containing cremated remains.
Crypts are designed to hold casketed remains. Following a casket entombment, the crypt is sealed and a granite or marble front is attached.
A community mausoleum is simply a large building designed to provide above-ground interment or entombment for a number of unrelated people. Sharing the cost of the mausoleum with other individuals has made it more affordable. Mausoleum crypts are both clean and dry. They offer a viable alternative for those who simply have an aversion to being interred in the ground. Furthermore, with the growing shortage of available land for cemetery use, mausoleums allow for a maximum number of entombments in a minimum amount of space.
When you purchase interment rights you in fact purchase the right to designate who may be entombed or interred in the space, rather than purchasing the crypt/niche/grave or urn space itself, which remains the property - and the responsibility - of the cemetery. Interment rights include the right to place a memorial where permitted. In the case of a crypt or niche an inscription on the crypt or niche front.
A portion of the purchase price of all interment rights is contributed to an irrevocable fund, The Endowment Care Fund. Income from this fund is used to provide regular care and maintenance activities at the cemeteries. All interment rights are subject to the Cemetery Rules and Regulations, copies of which are available at the cemetery office.